The problem with boys

Boys start school far too young

Boys are made to sit still and do boring stuff when they’d much rather be running around.

Boys are shown a bit of the story and told to analyse it. They never get told the whole story. Stories are the one thing boys will settle down and listen to. Boys learn through stories – this is hard-wired. Boys don’t get the stories that they need at school. They rely on TV and video games to give them what they need and TV is more than happy to fill that gap.

Boys will learn under threat of punishment. That threat has disappeared from education.

Boys will learn if it is fun. Fun usually means risk and risk has been eradicated from education. (Blame the lawyers!)

Boys learn from men, but boys have very little contact with men. (Blame the lawyers again – and the wages.)

At the age when boys begin to knuckle down naturally, they’ve been written off as failures by the system that does not understand or cater for them.

Boys are taught and looked after by women. Women prefer to tame boys. Boys do not like to be tamed!