Tag: creativity

  • The Golden Secrets of Drawing – My New Book

    Feeling uninspired to draw and be creative? Did your parents or teachers say you were no good at drawing and that drawing was a waste of time? Do you want to draw in secret and need permission to do so? The Golden Secrets of Drawing may have the key to get you going again. Amazon…

  • Is Evolution a particle or a fundamental force?

    I’m reading Rick Rubin’s amazing new book, The Creative Act. It came up recommended on my library app as an audiobook. I’ve often thought I might write a book based on musings on creativity, as I find most books on the subject a bit of a let down. But Rick Rubin’s book blew me away.…

  • Time to give up my facebook page?

    In that way that Facebook doles out stuff, my eye was caught by this link. I followed it and read it and agreed. http://splitsider.com/2018/02/how-facebook-is-killing-comedy/ I’m so fed up with Facebook telling me – of every post or Instagram upload – that my post is doing 90% better than my average post and others who boost…