Phew! I’ve done my last Library visit for a few weeks. I do seem to have done a lot recently. I had one of those surprising, special moments this morning. One young lad just wasn’t interested – said he didn’t like stories. His teachers rolled their eyes and said that he didn’t like anything. I read the story anyway – it was the Little Horrors Spider Man story.
I must have got through to him because he came up for a chat afterwards. He admitted that he liked Toy Story2, so we had quite a chat about that and Toy Story 1 and I suggested he tried to see Star Wars. His friend said that he liked pictures, so I suggested Tin Tin. We found a couple of books and he seemed to really like the look of them. I made him promise to come back to the Library and borrrow them. I really hope he does.
It’s a great feeling when you seem to get through to someone!