Tag: fun

  • How to Draw the Olympic Rings

    https://youtu.be/W2XFa5SfWxU The Olympics are here again, so learn how to draw the Olympic Rings Easy Peasy! You will need a coin to draw around for the circles a pencil and crayons, colored pencils or marker pens. You will need Blue, Yellow, Black, Green and a pinky sort of red, which we sometimes call Cerise. Draw…

  • Cat Mask added to Scaredy Cats

    Scaredy Cats have gone past the first stretch goal target of £1000 on KickStarter and is now at £1180. I have sent artwork off to the printers so everyone will now get a cat mask as well. Click here to check it out – There are still 8 days to go 🙂

  • Oh my goodness! I’ve started yet another YouTube channel! It’s called DrawStuffEasyPeasy I’m aiming it at a much younger age group Early years to KS1 or K1-5 Up to Grade 1. It will all make sense soon. I’m in the process of re-organising my channels at the moment. In the meantime have a look at…