eBooks and mp3s are different

It dawned on me, just now, that there is one huge difference between the Music Industry and the Publishing Industry that, so far, has meant that eBooks haven’t taken off in the same way that music did.

In the beginning, people began to rip their cd’s and put the digital files onto their computers, because it was convenient to have them catalogued and available on their hard drives. Originally, an mp3 player was piece of software that made it easy to find the music on your computer and make it play. Soon people were providing “skins” for the software to make it look more cool on the screen.

Once all this data had been digitised, it was easy to start file sharing it and music took off as a downloadable product.

The Music Industry hid under the covers and hoped it would go away, but it didn’t. Eventually they began to do something about it.

Books are very different. It’s a huge bore to digitise a book, so no one does it (except for total nerds!). So, the material isn’t there to be shared. If everyone had piles of book data on their hard drives, clever software people would come together to make the data readable in beautiful ways, that would encourage more and more to adopt eBooks in favour of paper books.

That is what is different and why eBooks are slow to get going. in the digital world, piracy is a necessary evil to get the show on the road!

Want to read an eBook now? Click the picture above to read My First Picture Joke Book at www.magicblox.com. Enjoy!