Tag Archives: app

What is an app worth?

Only 59p or 99¢ - That's half a bag of jelly Babies!

I was looking at the iTunes App Store the other day and was surprised by some of the comments people leave about the apps they have bought.

While they might like the app, they often complain about the price – always wanting more functionality. Most complaints go to the lowest tier price apps available – 59p or 99¢. As an app developer, you can’t charge any less. Those who comment obviously have no idea the amount of work that goes into producing and app. At 59p or 99¢, most developers will be lucky to cover their costs..

So what is 59p or 99¢ worth? I’m not sure what you can get in the States, but I found prices online here for half a bag of jelly babies, a tin of Heinz chilli beans or a non brand pot of organic baby food.

Half a bag of jelly babies only produces hyperactive children, whereas provides entertainment, baby-level storytelling, repetition, original artwork, animation and music and a baby’s first introduction to IT, all for a third of a glass of beer.

The trouble is that there is so much out there for free but, as we all know, there is no such thing as a free lunch. Free software always comes with a message from the sponsor. Do you want to have your children’s every moment bombarded by advertising?

Go on! Treat a baby today to – Many adults find themselves strangely hypnotised by too! Children love repetition and babies thrive on it. is one of those gifts that go on giving!


Have I mentioned SweetLittleBaby.Com? Some thing tells me that I haven’t.

I suppose it’s the beginning of a publishing adventure. It’s been a long,long time coming, but all the elements now seem to be in place and I happen to have the skills to get on with it.

Why Babies? Because I think they are fun and that whole period of babyness is so exciting. Babies are tiring, smelly, loud, and subject to many other fruity adjectives, but they are also great fun and endlessly absorbing.

And I think babies need apps too!

I’m not going to argue with people any more about how real books are better than e-books and apps. Apps are different from books and that’s a fact. I want to make sure that the e-books and apps that are available are really good and suitable. There won’t be advertising or inApp purchase opportunities. I don’t think young families want that and babies certainly don’t.

If you want to see what my app, SweetLittleBabyBoo! is all about, head over to SweetLittleBaby.Com and sign up for the newsletter. You will then be given the address of a live, online version of SweetLittleBabyBoo! that you can play with.

Enjoy – have fun!