Tag Archives: iOS

Ginger Ninja on the iPad – how’s it going?

I forgot to post the last two videos about the ginger ninja on iPad. So here they are. The first one is on the bottom and explains about getting ISBN numbers are my thoughts on where the Kindle is at the moment.

The second video is on top and it takes us to the point where I pressed the button to publish the book. I can’t tell you how excited I was and how frustrating it has been for the last week waiting for Apple to approve the work and make it go live in the Ibooks store.

I have now started work on my second book which is called dizzy DIY and is the first iBook in the Millie and Bombassa series that I will be publishing on Ibooks. These stories have been incredibly popular in libraries and are my most borrowed books. So I hope people are going to enjoy them on iPad.

As you will see from the video on enhancing the books with built in video showing you how to draw Ginger and a video explaining where I got the inspiration for the book. The next books in the series will also have videos and I’m exploring iBook printing so that I can add cut out masks and colouring sheets.

I’ve thought long and hard about whether to include audio or video of me reading the book but I decided that these books are the kind of books that children learn to read with and they will just end up playing the videos and never reading the words if I give them the opportunity. Sorry kids tough luck! 🙂



Sweet Little Baby Boo! Upgrade V1.1

Hooray! Version 1.1 – a free update – is available on itunes for my Sweet Little Baby Boo! iphone app.

There are one or two technical improvements which you probably won’t notice, but now the app comes with a choice of babies!

For a start there are girls and they all come in pinkish, brownish and yellowish shades, so they should appeal to a wider, international market.

If you’ve got this on your phone already upgrade now. If you haven’t – why not!?


Have I mentioned SweetLittleBaby.Com? Some thing tells me that I haven’t.

I suppose it’s the beginning of a publishing adventure. It’s been a long,long time coming, but all the elements now seem to be in place and I happen to have the skills to get on with it.

Why Babies? Because I think they are fun and that whole period of babyness is so exciting. Babies are tiring, smelly, loud, and subject to many other fruity adjectives, but they are also great fun and endlessly absorbing.

And I think babies need apps too!

I’m not going to argue with people any more about how real books are better than e-books and apps. Apps are different from books and that’s a fact. I want to make sure that the e-books and apps that are available are really good and suitable. There won’t be advertising or inApp purchase opportunities. I don’t think young families want that and babies certainly don’t.

If you want to see what my app, SweetLittleBabyBoo! is all about, head over to SweetLittleBaby.Com and sign up for the newsletter. You will then be given the address of a live, online version of SweetLittleBabyBoo! that you can play with.

Enjoy – have fun!