Tag Archives: #AstroFamilies

How hard can it be to write a kid’s book?

A kid’s book? Really? It can’t be that hard, can it?

Well, not if you are an AI scammer who just wants to make a video about how easy it is to make a kid’s book.

And it is easy, if you just want to see your name on a book to add to your bucket list ot boost your ego.

But making a book for children that they might want to read and find interesting or exciting is quite a different thing. 

And illustrating a book does not mean just sticking the same bit of clip art on every page or asking midjourney to conjure up weird images of six fingered people. (Oh there’s an idea for a book!)

And actually selling a book! Well that really is a quite different thing. Most self- published books sell fewer than 10 copies!

Oh and then there are all the mental barriers we set up for ourselves…