Tag Archives: Generation Moon

Generation Moon Trilogy: Fiction or Prediction?

I am currently illustrating Book two of the Generation Moon trilogy and history might be going my way!

I’ve set the series in a not too distant future. There is a King in England – there wasn’t when I began writing the first book!

Glenn has been to the International Space School in Wales and is the most promising candidate to be the “First Kid in Space.”

Glenn meets the President. Why does she want to talk to him?

I decided to have a woman president in the story to make it feel a bit different from reality, but maybe my fiction will come true! Who knows? Only time will tell.

By the time I’m working on the illustrations for book three, the election will be well underway, if not over.

How many other story lines will come true?

If you haven’t read Generation Moon yet you can get it here from Amazon https://amzn.to/4cVNaMm

What’s been inspiring me? Diary of a Children’s Author

Watching Starship 3 launch to an amazingly successful mission, bings closer the future I imagine in my trilogy, Generation Moon https://amzn.to/43iB6RD

I met with a class of 11 year olds recently and was surprised by the excitement they felt at the prospect of becoming inhabitants of the Moon, and for space travel generally. There are still adventurous young people around!

I finished laying out and uploading my Olympia Stories that I showed in last weeks video  – you can see them here at amazon in the UK https://amzn.to/3IIAyL8 and here in the USA https://amzn.to/3Vgp0GC

Now, let’s not talk about it – let’s get down to writing the third book in the trilogy!

Feel free to comment and leave suggestions or questions.

How hard can it be to write a kid’s book?

A kid’s book? Really? It can’t be that hard, can it?

Well, not if you are an AI scammer who just wants to make a video about how easy it is to make a kid’s book.

And it is easy, if you just want to see your name on a book to add to your bucket list ot boost your ego.

But making a book for children that they might want to read and find interesting or exciting is quite a different thing. 

And illustrating a book does not mean just sticking the same bit of clip art on every page or asking midjourney to conjure up weird images of six fingered people. (Oh there’s an idea for a book!)

And actually selling a book! Well that really is a quite different thing. Most self- published books sell fewer than 10 copies!

Oh and then there are all the mental barriers we set up for ourselves…