Tag Archives: how to illustrate children's books

How to design characters for children’s books – see inside my workbook

In this video I show how I have created two characters – hero and heroine – of my space-based, middle-grade adventure trilogy – GENERATION MOON – aimed at 8-12 year-olds and up.

Creating a character takes time. They are like new friends – you may think you know them, but it takes a while to really get to know them and understand their individuality and what makes them tick.

If you are going to create a whole book, populated with images of the characters, drawn from different angles and with different emotions, you need to practice, until it becomes second nature how to draw them.

It also helps to create some kind of a grid that you can refer to as the base plan for the character that you can return to when you get in a muddle or when you need to work out how to draw them in a new and tricky situation or angle.

In this video I take you inside my workbook and show how I draw the characters now and the whole series of sketches and thought processes that led up the the present versions.

00:00:00 Start – Drawing Glenn
00:02:37 Drawing Chao-Xing
00:05:17 Look through all the sketches in the workbook
00:14:52 Draw Glenn 00:16:53 Draw Glenn Again