Tag Archives: kickstarter project

My new Book Project – and what happened to the frogs in my pond?

I am busy working hard on a new book called Pandora – I’ve been honing the story for years and now I’m finally making myself get on with it and I’m making the book.

I’m going to launch on Kickstarter in the next couple of weeks. Join my mailing list to be the first to know when the offer goes live with early bird reward levels. Join here:

It’s going to be a signed and numbered limited first edition of only 250 – so that is a real collector’s edition.

Of course my patreon will also be the very first to know, so come and join me on Patreon here: ??

Subscribe to YouTube channel for more information over the next couple of week.s 🙂 ?

KickStarter Limited Edition coming soon.

I may have been to your school and told you this story – I’ve been telling it, shaping it, re-writing it and honing it for far too long. I love telling this story – especially to the little ones, who are terrified! The adults love it too.

Why haven’t I published it before? It’s the thought of that two or three year process of traditional publishing that puts me off. So I have decided to say, “Publish and be damned!”

I’m working on it at the moment – working on bringing it out first as a Signed and Numbered Limited Edition of only 250 – that’s a low number – a proper limited edition.

Make sure you are on my mailing list  or join me on Patreon to be the first to know when the offer goes live with an early bird-special price for the first 100 customers!

Watch this space!