Tag: pi

  • How Pi was discovered!

    I’m a visual thinker. I need to see to be able to understand. Mathematics is so based on faith. Someone says, “This axiom is true, so everything that follows is true. All you have to do is accept that and have faith.” Well, that never worked for me growing up. I tried to work out…

  • How the value of Pi was discovered by a genius – You will be amazed!

    I remember being introduced to Pi as a given. Something that I had to accept. An axiom that everyone had agreed with for thousands of years, so no one ever thought to explain where it came, how it was discovered and wether it had any relationship to anything else. To me it made no sense.…

  • Archimedes – the Man who invented the Death Ray

    Archimedes lived over 2,000 years ago in Syracuse on the island of Sicily. He was a mathematician, astronomer, physicist, engineer and inventor. Many of his great inventions came about while defending Syracuse when it came under attack from the Romans. Click here for signed copies with free poster. The leader of the Roman army was…