Category Archives: Creative Advice

Is Social Media finished?

A recent cry into the wilderness of X

I have generally been an early adopter. An early adopter of many things and ideas.

I could probably have been a millionaire many times over if I hadn’t got bored by the time the masses arrived to make new ideas profitable.

That has been the playbook of Silicon Valley. Fund something for free, until the masses arrive and find they can’t leave and so make the platform massively profitable.

By the time the audience are locked in and the cost of leaving is too high, everything becomes about profit and all the old mission slogans about creating a brave, new, fairer world can be dumped in the bin.

Cory Doctorow has a phrase for it: The Enshittifiation of the internet. The American Dialect Society recognised the term by selecting it as its 2023 Word of the Year

So, am I one of the early adopters of dumping social media – deplatforming? Will the masses eventually follow when they get bored and start to seek out real connection with real people again and realise that the platforms they took to their hearts have become a slow poison of reels, shorts and TikTok videos?

I’ve dumped Facebook and instagram.They have become toxic to view and have become useless as a medium for sharing.

Of course I could use them for advertising, but that would require me to become a different person, worrying about stats all day long… I’ve been there and don’t want to go back.

And what of Twitter/X? (Funny how no one can quite accept the name change!) I have my most number of followers on X – mostly to do with children’s books.

I looked up #kidlit today and it is filled with ChatGPT created bilge. #kidlit was a hashtag I used to follow in the twitter days. #kidlitart doesn’t reflect anything that I do anymore.

Then I looked up #middlegrade. This too was filled with bilge, until I blocked one writer who was posting like a bot. It seems there are still middle grade writers and reviewers posting. (See image above.)

So, I’ll carry on using and following #middlegrade and see what happens. I’m sure I’d get more interaction if I paid for a blue tick, but I’m not convinced there is still an audience.

As more and more AI generated mush pours out onto the internet, I feel that real humans will begin to seek out other real humans again. Maybe we’ll all start going down the pub again and talking nonsense to each other… irl… like the old days.

The more we hand over the best of humanity to AI and algorithms to chew up and repost as perfect-looking, but ultimately unsatisfying content and fake news, maybe we will feel the need to seek out real ideas, new ideas that come from humans in the way that only humans can do it.

Once upon a time, a long time ago, Google and other search engines found stuff for you, like enthusiastic puppies, racing around to bring you what you asked for. But they have grown up and turned into fat, over-fed slobs that only feed you what is in their best interest – they only show you what they want you to see.

When the once beautiful crystal-clear pool starts filling with sewage, maybe it’s time to at least haul-out onto the side? That’s called early adoption. The rest will keep swimming in it until they too realise something doesn’t smell right anymore.

Make an amazing Daddy Cool Father’s Day Card for your dad – He’ll love you for it!

Learn to draw a  Father’s day card with a cool “Best Dad Ever Award!” Silver award cup design that is bursting with love and pride. Learn to draw the text on a curve and see how to write Happy Father’s Day inside the card to make it look like you are a pro!

For Ad-free videos, to comment, contact and have new drawings sent to your inbox early, go to (must be over 13 ask a parent or teacher for help)

Subscribe to this youtube channel here

More Father’s day videos here:

Ask an adult to help you share your drawing online #drawstuffrealeasy 

Music @cleffernotes

#fathersday #fathersdaycraft #fathersdaycardeasy #fathersdaycardhandmade #fathersdaycard

A super value Digital Controller for art students – TourBox Lite

Tourbox lite is a new super value digital controller that is now available for $95 – get an extra, exclusive $5 off using code – shoorayner (follow this link valid til may 1st 24)

Tourbox Lite is a box full of knobs and wheels and buttons that you can assign to any function in any app or program that you use on your computer – Mac or PC. Turn your most used actions into quick simple button presses.

I use it mostly with Photoshop or now Affinity Photo. The central knob is worth every penny on it’s own. Choose a brush and the knob instantly changes the brush size. I love it just for that.

I have been using the TourBox Digital Controller every day for a couple of years now and it’s a part of my working life. I think it is the best digital extra you can get for your computer – and I’m not being paid to say that! It’s what your left hand is for – or right if you are left-handed. It’s quite happy being placed wherever is best for you.

I use it for stop motion, video editing, audio editing, scanning, word-processing and more. It automatically adjusts to your current, open app. You just have to chose the settings and remember which buttons to press.

You may think its a lot to learn and get used to. My first day took me about a morning to work it out, get set up and choose how I’d use it. By the afternoon it was like I’d always been using it. I would be lost without it now.

There are some processes that I’ve speeded up no end. It’s taken the boring bit out of editing and made it fun.