Category Archives: how to draw People

Draw MrBeast

MrBeast loves to give away money. Get something to draw with and follow along as I show you how to draw Mister Beast throwing money into the air!

How much money can you draw in the air around Mr Beast? Add it up and share your drawing on Instagram with the tag #drawstuffrealeasy

Got ideas for new drawing video? Send a message from the contact page. Please ask an adult to help if you are under 13.

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Draw action poses from simple stick figures – Here’s how for all artists

Every masterpiece begins with a stick figure drawing.

Real artists, yes even the really great ones, work out their art with thumbnail drawings and stick figure sketches – often on the backs of envelopes or paper napkins in restaurants.

To draw a stick figure is easy. To draw an action stick figure needs a little more work.

With a bit of practice you’ll learn how the body moves so you’ll be able to draw anything you like from any angle.

Luckily we can use photographs to help us work things out. In this video, Shoo goes through the process and shows you how to draw your own action stick figures. Why not draw along?

You’ll find the photo of Rod Laver here:

Subscribe to Shoo’s channel on YouTube for lots more drawing videos every week

Sketch Live Action – Watch live drawing and watercolour sketching tennis coaching

See how easy it is to get out your pen and paints and begin sketching live action… as it happens! Live! In front of you! For real!

Mrs Rayner took up tennis a year ago and most Fridays she goes to the tennis club for a group coaching session.

Last week I joined her, but Instead of a racket, I took my pens and paints and sketched the action as it happened.

Tennis is a fast moving game. so you have to watch and see the poses that you like and then take a mental picture and then just get on with it. The player is still there to get the clothing and hair details from, but you have to remember the pose as best as possible – maybe watch other players to see if they adopt a similar pose in the meantime.

The secret is to just do it. Most people will be amazed that you are even having a go – they wouldn’t dare. And you will only improve by doing it.

In the meantime, you are building your muscle memory, building a memory portfolio for future projects and you are getting to know your materials intimately.

I sketched for about and hour and a half and was quite tired at the end. Brain work is the hardest work! Have a go yourself this weekend!

There maybe a court in your local park. Just ask the players if they mind you sketching them. They will be thrilled! Let them take a photo on their phones afterwards… they’ll have a story to dine out on!